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Who are We?




Our church exists to communicate the life changing message of the risen Jesus Christ and to help those who believe in Him to love God and love people by the power of the Holy Spirit.




We seek to accomplish our purpose by pursuing an increasing hunger for the Word of God, both in individual and corporate study, a continual nurturing of our hearts to love each other intentionally and sacrificially, and a fervent habit of prayer for all people, both in public and in private.




As a church we desire that fully-functioning Christians are RAISED up in order to facilitate spiritual dividends into future generations


We desire that in our gatherings people would meet and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and, for those who believe, that they would continually seek to grow and mature in the faith that has graciously been given to them, so that they then would make the good news of the Gospel known to others.


We believe that the LORD leads us to do this by focusing on 6 general principles:


1) Seeking the REDEMPTION of the lost (2 Timothy 2:1-4)

2) Being ACTIVE members in the body of Christ, serving each other with the gifts that God has given us (1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

3) Allowing the truth of the Gospel and pursuit of Jesus to IMPACT our day-to-day lives (Matthew 5:14-16)

4) Increasingly growing in SANCTIFICATION as we pursue holiness through the Spirit (2 Peter 1:5-8)

5) Being EQUIPPED to EVANGELIZE, fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)

6) Becoming DISCIPLES who DISCIPLE others to belief and greater maturity in Jesus Christ, as every Christian is called to do (2 Timothy 2:2).


By pursuing these endeavors, we desire that every person that joins us during the week would either be, or become, a Christian, and would be RAISED up in this way as a disciple of Christ for the glory of our LORD. In short, we desire that a Bible-proclaiming, Christ-exalting church, by God’s grace, would continue to exist here long after we are gone.



Our church exists to communicate the life-changing message of the risen Jesus Christ and to help those who believe to love God and love people by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Grace Chapel Neenach

25649 West Avenue D

Lancaster, CA 93536


Mailing Address:

Grace Chapel Neenach

PO Box 937

Lake Hughes, CA 93532


Phone: 661-724-0972

© 2018 Grace Chapel Neenach

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